
健全的财务管理是世界各个部门和各个角落的企业和金融机构取得成功的基础. 亚洲博彩平台排名的多方面的金融学士学位为学生提供了基本的管理工具的知识,同时注重发展批判性思维, analytical 和 interpersonal skills. 

Gain Proficiency in the Business Environment

亚洲博彩平台排名的金融专业为学生提供分析组织财务并确保其长期财政健康所需的技能和工具. 有兴趣为自己工作或在银行开展企业职业生涯的学生, financial services, 保险和房地产行业将深入研究资本管理的许多核心问题,并熟练掌握商业环境的语言和工具.

我们的课程使学生能够追求专业认证,如注册财务规划师(CFP)和特许金融分析师(CFA)。. 额外的要求可能包括继续教育,专业经验和考试. Students interested in sales of stocks, 债券, 共同基金, 保险和房地产将需要获得相应的专业执照.

Available concentrations in corporate financewealth management 允许学生根据自己的兴趣和职业抱负定制学士学位. And through 亚洲博彩平台排名's popular combined program, 符合条件的本科生可以获得财务管理学士学位和财务管理硕士学位 business administration or healthcare administration within five years.

Program Spotlight: Charitable Initiatives

作为MGT320:投资规划课程的一部分,管理不断增长的股票投资组合的亚洲博彩平台排名学生定期将基金的收益捐赠给慈善组织. 撒母耳焦点在于, lecturer in the Department of Business 和 Economics, 她说,“做得好做得好”的学生倡议是他们对许多家庭正在经历的经济困境和困难的一致回应.

在萨科的指导下,课程以专题研讨会的形式开始, 和 students opened a Morgan Stanley account with an initial $1,投资000. 学生们开始根据市场和行业分析进行真正的股票购买, 从那以后,股票投资组合从最初的投资增长到超过62美元的估值,000.


 我有机会将我多年的财务管理经验与课程内容相结合,并与学生分享结合后的成果. 知识转移是一种实现分享和帮助学生在理论和实践方面发展的方式,也是一种对他们所生活的商业和金融世界的认识和专业实践的方式. 

撒母耳焦点在于, lecturer


Life After 亚洲博彩平台排名

拥有金融学位的毕业生通常会从事财务经理和分析师的职业. 这些专业人士在不同的公司工作,监督他们的财务活动,并为他们的持续成功制定计划. 

Our graduates have pursued a wide variety of careers, including:

  • Financial consultant
  • Financial analyst
  • 项目经理
  • Management consultant
  • Project coordinator
  • Valuation analyst
  • 数据分析师
  • Billing administrator
  • Investment analyst
  • Financial specialist
  • Senior financial advisor
  • 银行职员
  • Senior internal auditor
  • Institutional funds administration manager
  • Regional investment consulting director
  • Financial planning 和 analysis director


  • Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA
  • Certified Public Accountant (CPA)
  • Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst (CAIA)
  • Certified Financial Planner (CFP)
  • Financial Risk Manager (FRM)
  • Financial Modeling Certification (FMC)

Program Spotlight: Internship Experience

As an undergraduate, 内森·冈萨雷斯(Nathan Gonzalez)在TD Ameritrade公司办公室完成了为期10周的暑期实习. Operating under a broad-based position title of retail, support 和 operations intern, he shadowed executives in risk management, new client development, project management 和 social media.

As a member of the multi-skilled Better Way Team, 哪些工作可以促进精益开发和生产力的提高, 冈萨雷斯和他的队友们面临的挑战是开发一个旨在增加沟通的信任指标, 经理和员工之间的责任和可靠性结果, or between business partners. 由于TD Ameritrade最近收购了Scott Trade及其500多家投资办事处,这一举措被认为是至关重要的.

冈萨雷斯还作为五人小组的一员,参加了一场全公司范围的投资模拟比赛,奖金为500美元,000 in simulated funds. 使用与TD Ameritrade为其客户使用的相同的分析工具, his team finished in the top 20 across all U.S. 办公室.

Major in 金融 (B.S.)


19 courses | 60-62 credits

Business core requirements:

  • ACC101: Financial Accounting
  • ACC104: Managerial Accounting
  • ECN101: Introductory Macroeconomics
  • MGT120: Management 和 Organizational Behavior
  • MGT212: Business Communications
  • MGT270: Financial Management
  • MGT280: Principles of Marketing or MGT356: Entrepreneurial Marketing
  • MGT300: Ethics for Business
  • MGT403: Business Law
  • MGT490: Strategic Business Planning Capstone
  • MTH172:商业定量方法,MTH191:应用微积分或MTH195:微积分I
  • STA173: Statistical Methods

Additional required courses:

  • ECN102: Introductory Microeconomics
  • ECN305: Money 和 Banking
  • ECN412: Multinational 金融 和 Investments
  • MGT320: Investment Planning
  • MGT491: Professional Internship in Business

学生们可以从一系列以会计为重点的选修课中选择另外两门课程, applied technology, 数据科学, economics 和 management. 所有金融专业的学生都必须在大二结束前通过最新版本的Microsoft Excel认证.



Open to students from all disciplines, the minor in finance is designed to promote financial literacy. In an increasingly complex financial environment, 几乎任何学科的专业人士都需要在他们的职业生涯和个人生活中理解金融技能和概念.

6 courses | 20 credits

Required courses:

  • ACC101: Financial Accounting
  • ACC104: Managerial Accounting
  • MGT270: Financial Management
  • MGT320: Investment Planning

Students also choose two of the following:

  • ECN307: Introduction to Econometrics
  • ECN412: Multinational 金融
  • MGT310: Personal Financial Planning
  • MGT325: Advanced Financial Management 和 Modeling
  • MGT430: Portfolio Management


公司财务的集中培养学生通过最大化股东和利益相关者的价值来领导和发展组织. 学生将熟悉会计和财务概念,如成本-产量-盈利分析, strategic planning, process improvement 和 business operations performance, enabling them to increase organizational effectiveness. With this concentration, 学生们为金融分析师等令人兴奋的职业道路做好了准备, 财务主管, business analyst or chief financial officer.

Additional required courses:

  • ECN202: Intermediate Microeconomics
  • MGT325: Advanced Financial Management 和 Modeling

Students also choose two of the following:

  • ACC201: Intermediate Accounting I
  • ACC331: Federal Income Taxes I
  • ECN307: Introduction to Econometrics
  • ECN351: Risk Management

财富管理的集中介绍了个人管理金融资产的原则, families 和 institutions. Wealth management requires the consideration of client objectives, 在投资政策发展的背景下的风险承受能力和约束,以及对投资工具的深刻理解, asset classes 和 portfolio theory. With this concentration, 学生积极参与各种客户类型的规划过程,并创建和监控旨在实现其目标的多资产类别投资组合.

Additional required course:

  • MGT430: Portfolio Management

Students also choose three of the following:

  • ACC201: Intermediate Accounting I
  • ACC331: Federal Income Taxes I
  • ECN201: Intermediate Macroeconomics
  • MGT310: Personal Financial Planning
  • MGT355: Professional Selling